IGDA JAPAN is now preparing English version site for its own Japanese site to distribute its informations to the world.
This blog is an English version page for a Japanese blog page updated before:
On 6th June,
IGDA JAPAN SIG-BOARDGAME members had the game design workshop
to rehearse the next workshop:
On 20th June
SIG-BG 1st Game designe workshop by using the popular boardgame : Catan.
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For the workshop, it needs 4 player, 1 insturcter, and 1 observer.
1st Phase
Beginners play Catan for one hour,
2nd Phase
The aim to this workshop is to think "How to extend or improve Catan, or What kind of games we could make based on Catan". In the 2nd phase, 4 palyers have brainstorming for 30 min., and write their ideas on a yellow paper.
3rd Phase
A instructer picks up some good ideas from them,
4 players keep discussing about the topics a instructer picks up(1 hour).
(Blue papaers is ideas 4 players agree with.)
4th phase
A observer make many ideas one whole game design and write a document of it.
(But we could not have enough time to test our game idea...)
5th phase
Presentation to the other group members(3 minuters)。
In 2nd phase, there were too many ideas.
And we could not have enough time to test our ideas.
I think we should make each discussion more comapct.
Title: Dragon Baster in Catan
Theme: Defeat a dragon came to Catan Island
Concept: Co-operational play
A thief piece is regarded as a dragon which
destroys a field as it moves.
Players' goal is defeat a dragon.
fields, and connect a road to exchange their resouces each other
while they run away a dragon to a field which has little resource.
In a last half game, they damage a dragon with a weapon
while players increase their resources.
As a dragon grows as a game goes, it increase power to damage a field.
It is a critical condition to accomplish a goal
whether players could defeat a dragon before it has grown completely.
Techniques:For each turn, each player can pick up two actions from the four:
"Production","Exchange","Construction","Using a card".
A port is an only place to exchange a weapon card which can
damage a dragon. To use it, a player must approach a dragon closely.
It is most important thing for players to win to cooperate each other.