
GDC2015 各社講演資料集2(速報)

主に、GDC2015 スライド集


Charles Lefebvre
Gameplay and AI networking in Assassin’s Creed Unity

Paradox Engine

Fast iteration for FarCry4 – Optimizing key parts of the Dunia pipeline −

Here’s Phil Spencer’s Full GDC Presentation on the Future of Microsoft Gaming - See more at:

Interior Design and Games: Mastering space & place −

− Fast iteration for FarCry4 – Optimizing key parts of the Dunia pipeline −

Naughty Dog PS4 Conference のビデオ

Sparse Fluid Simulation in DirectX (Nvidia)

(40) The play of Stillness

Design in Sunset Overdrive

Procedural Deconstruction,Dennis Gustafsson

(43) Insomiac Code clinic:

Mesh Cutting in Farming Simulator 15 −

(45) NVIDIA and the VR Experience

(46) Advanced Visual Effects in 2D Games

Making of “Destiny”

Remaking the Art of Halo 2 for Xbox One

[GDC 2014]アーティストの意思をすぐに反映できるエンジン「UbiArt Framework」でゲームを制作する“新たなプロセス”を紹介
posted by miyayou at 22:11| 日記